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Fun with the Family

1. Chalk Bomb fight
  • Goggles for everyone
  • White Clothing
  • Chalk Bombs from Kmart (for adults)
  • Smashed some chalk down and put in zippy bags for the kids.



Don't think I need to explain how to throw chalk bombs at your kids pretty self explanatory, hard part is getting the kids to smile at the camera after there bugged themselves out. hehe!

2. Paint Fight
  • I had a mix of normal paint and washable paint. (Kmart)
  • Cheap shorts and a white singlet. (Best & Less)
  • A big tarp. (Bunnings)
  • A slide also (but not needed)
Tips: Keep a wet face washer near by sometimes you get paint in your eyes.
Don't do this on an area you love, it's gonna get messy.
Also have hose near by too, you probably don't want the kidlets walking in the house like this.
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